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Support for Overseas Teachers in the UK

There are many overseas teachers working in the UK primary education system.  Headteachers often find that it can be difficult to find enough time to give them the support and training they may need, in order to get to grips with the UK education system and its expectations.

Bespoke Support Package for Overseas Teachers

Chepping View SCITT, based in High Wycombe, and serving Buckinghamshire and the surrounding areas, offers bespoke support for overseas teachers.

This is aimed at supporting the transition into the UK system and enabling overseas teachers to rapidly reach the required standards to successfully teach in the UK.

This offer includes:

  • Mentoring support
  • Training
  • Assessment Only route to gain QTS for those who need it. 

Find out more

If you would like further information regarding mentoring, training or gaining QTS for your overseas teachers, contact scitt@cvpa.school