Wycombe and Marlow

Conference room for hire


We are delighted to be welcoming Garry Freeman back to Buckinghamshire to talk about SEND, the law and funding for a second time. The day aims to give leaders a strong understanding of SEND law so they can advocate effectively for their SEND pupils. It is essential training for anyone with pupils who are, or will be, reliant on external funding to meet their support needs.

This event will be of particular interest to Headteachers and SENDCos.

A very eye-opening day.
I feel really empowered by the knowledge I have gained about SEND law today.
I have already used the information I learnt in the session to challenge the legality of some decisions about my pupils.
Feedback from participants at the event in 2024.

 About Garry Freeman

Garry is a nationally recognised SEND Consultant with significant experience both as a school leader and a SENDCo and has also worked with NASEN and the DfE.

Content of the Day

The aim of the day is to promote:

  1. An understanding of what SEND Myths are and why they are an issue;
  2. A working understanding of the main aspects of SEND law on funding and EHCP process as it applies in England;
  3. Developing the confidence and insight to discuss these aspects and challenge LAs/professionals where appropriate
  4. The knowledge and references to inform work done by parents/professionals

Garry will share a wealth of knowledge about how SEND law can support schools, parents, children and families in ascertaining appropriate levels of funding and provisions for the children and young people you work with.


Date: 7th May 2025

Time: 9.30-3.15

Refreshments- lunch and refreshments will be included

Cost: £120 + VAT  for a total of two places. This is to enable Headteachers and SENDCos to attend together at an affordable rate

Location: Chepping View Primary Academy, High Wycombe, HP12 4PR


Please use the form below.