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Independent Review Panel Training

We know that holding an Independent Review Panel can be a very challenging  experience, so ensuring that everyone involved has the right training is a priority in order to ensure the process runs smoothly. We have delivered this training to Multi-Academy Trusts, Local Authorities, Governor Support Services and Independent Panel Representatives, all over England.


Course description: This course covers the duties of Independent review Panel (IRP) members and Clerks as outlined in the DfE Suspensions and Exclusions Guidance. It will take participants through the process, step by step with a model agenda and guidance documents, to ensure legal compliance. After completing the course, panel members and clerks will be familiar with the exclusions process and be more confident in meeting their statutory duties. This course is arranged in four sections which cover:

  1. Context and general overview
  2. The school decision to exclude - lawful, reasonable and fair
  3. Fairness and equality legislation
  4. IRP roles and the decision-making process.
Duration: 4 hrs
Outcomes: The training is comprehensive and interactive and by the end we expect the attendees to feel confident when it comes to making and reviewing suspension and exclusion decisions and in attending an IRP. Following the training, governors/trustees will also be able to sit on an IRP (for another academy/school) should they so wish.
Facilitation: This training course can be delivered in person or remotely, distances of over 30 miles for in person delivery incur an additional travel cost.
Cost: £500 plus VAT for groups of up to 6 people
I have spoken to the staff who attended and they all commented how much they felt they had gained and had found the session very useful.
Assistant Governance Manager
Feedback from our clerks was that it has helped them to feel empowered and confident in both exclusions and IRP contexts.

Independent Review Panel Representation

We know it can be hard to find appropriately trained people to sit on your Independent Review Panel. Should you need someone, we can offer the following professionals:

  • Headteacher
  • Governor/Trustee
  • SEND specialist

Cost- £600  plus VAT for the prep, meeting and deliberation time. Distances of over 30 miles for incur an additional travel cost.

Should you wish to discuss this option, please contact Jon Mason- jmason@ifptrust.co.uk 

Enquiry Form for IRP Training